A word from Richie Pascal

A word from Richie Pascal

G'day, folks! Today, I want to talk to you about one of my all-time favourite snacks - pork scratchings! You know, these little bites of heaven are made from the crackling, that golden, crispy layer of skin on a roast pork. And when I say they're seasoned to perfection, I mean it - we're talking perfectly deep fried pork rind, sea salt, all blended together to create a flavour explosion in your mouth.

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, 'Pork scratchings? Ain't that just a bag of salty, greasy snacks?' But trust me, folks, once you try these babies, you'll never look back. The first crunch is like a symphony, the exterior is crispy and crunchy, and the inside is juicy and savoury - it's just pure joy in every bite.

But here's the best part, these little scraps of heaven are not just a snack, they're a versatile little treat that can be enjoyed in so many ways. Sprinkle some on your salad for a crunchy kick, or add a few to your soup for a bit of extra flavour. Hell, they're even great for sharing with your mates while you're watching the footie or playing a game.

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, 'Richie, I'm trying to watch what I eat.' But here's the thing, folks, life is all about balance, enjoying the small things in life, and trust me, Pascal's Pork Scratchings are one of the good things in small packages. So, go ahead, treat yourself to a bag of these little porky delights. I promise you won't regret it.